Deep Penetrating Sealer Application Instructions
Download these instructions as a PDF File here!
Pre-Caution: Protect any glass, aluminum or glazed tiles in the application area from coming in contact with CRETO DPS will etch them, rinse with clean water immediately. Use extreme caution on windy days to avoid any spay blown onto windows, glass doors, car windshields or glass eye lenses.
Cured Concrete Application (older concrete)
1. Always conduct a field test using water to test for surface coating on the concrete. If water beads up, DPS will not penetrate into the concrete. The best area to do the test is in low traffic areas such as behind doors, along walls.
2. The concrete surface must be free of any surface coating, dirt, oil or grease, concrete paints.
3. After cleaning and rinsing the surface, CRETO DPS can be applied to a damp concrete with no puddles.
4. Using a pump sprayer apply a generous amount of DPS at an even rate to form a continuous film. (For small applications 1 applicator, for larger areas 2 or more applicators should be used)
5. Average coverage rate is approximately 200 sq. ft. per gallon; the surface porosity of the concrete will determine your coverage rate.
6. Keep surface consistently wet for 15 minutes, when any dry areas appear just re-apply CRETO DPS to any dry area. At 20 minutes all DPS should have penetrated into the concrete. Any puddles and excess product on the surface should be move to dry areas by a clean cotton mop or a clean broom to ensure there will be no DPS left on the surface after 20 minutes. The surface should have no product sheen after 20 minutes.
7. Your application is done and now it’s time to clean your tools with water
Applying DPS over Newly Poured Cement
1. As soon as an applicator can walk on the concrete slab and not leave any marks and the surface sheen is duel, CRETO DPS can be applied. Or apply DPS within the first 12 hours after flat work is done. After the concrete forms are removed apply CRETO DPS to protect the sides of the slab.
2. Follow steps 4 thru 6 under applying DPS to older concrete.
3. Always making sure all CRETO DPS has penetrated into the concrete within 20 minutes.
4. Product application is done and now it’s time to clean your tools with water.
1. The concrete must be clean of any topical coating, clear coats or wax coatings, grease, oils and dirt.
2. Always test the concrete with water for penetration, if water beads up DPS will not penetrate. Test areas like behind doors or along walls. Floor coating must be removed so DPS can penetrate. The concrete surface does not need to be dry before applying CRETO DPS, product can be applied to a damp concrete surface with no puddles.
3. Follow steps 3 thru 6 under applying to older concrete.
4. Wait 24 hours and test the concrete slab or wall for moisture using a pin type (non destructive moisture meter) moisture meter for concrete. The relative humidity should be 85% or lower when applying topical coating on a concrete slab. If you do not have a moisture use duck tape and clear plastic 1 foot square, tape the several pieces plastic to areas on the floor or walls to test for moisture. Check the test area after 24 hours for a sign of moisture, if the concrete is dark in color or other signs of moisture. Another application of DPS will be needed.
5. For the second application of DPS apply only to the areas where there is signs of persistent moisture. Again do not allow DPS to dry on the surface, ensure DPS has penetrated into the concrete. To help remove excess DPS use a clean cotton mop or broom to move product over the concrete so all DPS is off the surface. Test again in 24 hours. If necessary reapply DPS again, ONLY TO AREAS SHOWING SIGNS OF MOISTURE.